Ohio State Netherland
Dwarf Rabbit Club
Instructions for Sanctions and Sweepstakes...
1. The Ohio State Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club (OSNDRC) is the official state breed club of the Netherland Dwarf rabbit, and is affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) and the American Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club (ANDRC). The OSNDRC offers its members many advantages of membership, including the official quarterly publication of the OSNDRC, the Dwarf Droppings, and tabulation of a state-wide sweepstakes competition. In order for show results to count toward the accumulation of an individual’s state sweepstakes points, the show must first be sanctioned by the OSNDRC.
2. All sanction requests should be made at least 30 days prior to the date of the show. Sanction fees for open judging are $6.00. Youth sanctions are $2.00. The following items should be included with the sanction request (see printable form below):
A. Show date
B. Show location
C. Sponsoring club name
D. Name, address, and phone number and/or E-mail address of the show secretary
E. ARBA sanction number
F. Check or money order made payable to OSNDRC
Send sanction requests to:
Tina Dailey
8100 Chambersburg Road
Huber Heights, OH 45424
Send completed show results to: Email: amiedick2@gmail.com
13406 C0. RD. M
3. No sanction will be issued to any club, fair, or other organization which has failed to return a prior show report.
4. Upon receipt of your sanction request, the show secretary will be furnished with a report form, or an e-mail sanction for computer generated show reports which should be completed and returned within 30 days of the completion of the show. Proper postage should be affixed.
5. The sponsoring club should print the following information in the show catalog:
Annual Membership Dues
$7.00 Single (Open or Youth)
$3.00 each additional member at same address
3 Year Memberships: $21 Single, $9 each additional
Show Sanction Fees
$6.00 Open
$2.00 Youth
6. The enclosed show report form should be filled out as completely as possible. Often, the report can be completed largely by the writers at the judging table during the judging process. Portions of the first page can be completed prior to the show. If you are using a computer report, only the front of the first page needs be completed and returned with the computer report.
7. All varieties (colors) are now listed on the report form, arranged according to the Groups stated in the Standard of Perfection. All groups and varieties are listed on the report form in the order that they should be judged: no more guessing. This order is restated here for you convenience.
I. Self Group: BEW, REW, Black, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac
II. Shaded Group: Sable Point, Siamese Sable, Siamese Smoke Pearl & Tortoise Shell
III. Agouti Group: Chestnut, Opal, Lynx, Chinchilla & Squirrel
IV. Tan Group: Otter, Sable Marten, Silver Marten, Smoke Pearl Marten & Tan
V. AOV Group: Broken, Fawn, Himalayan, Orange & Steel
Both Tortoise Shells (Black & Blue) are judged together in the same class.
All Tans (Black, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac) are judged together in the same class.
All Silver Martens (Black, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac) are judged together in the same class.
All Himalayans (Black, Blue, Chocolate & Lilac) are judged together in the same class.
8. It is important that for each group shown, that the Best of Group (BOG) and Best Opposite Sex of Group (BOSG) rabbits be recorded as to ear number, variety, class, and exhibitor name. For your own recording purposes, remember that each Best of Group (BOG) rabbit is eligible to receive Grand Champion Legs, provided that at least five rabbits are shown by three exhibitors. Each Best Opposite Sex of Group (BOSG) rabbit is eligible to receive Grand Champion Legs, provided that at least five rabbits of the same sex are shown by 3 exhibitors. These legs are in addition to those which can be won by winning individual classes or by winning Best of Variety (BOV), Best Opposite Sex of Variety (BOSV), Best of Breed (BOB), Best Opposite Sex of Breed (BOS), and Best in Show (BIS).
9. For each variety, please record the number of animals and the number of exhibitors for each class. The number of animals in a class is determined by the number of animals that a judge handles. Eliminated and disqualified animals do count in the final number with the exception of animals that are wrong sex, breed, group, variety, or deemed Unworthy of an Award. Scratched animals do not count in the final number. The first five places should include exhibitors’ names.
10. At the end of the Show Report Form is a list for recording names and addresses of all exhibitors. This part of the form must be completed unless you are including a computer print out of exhibitors for this breed, in order for sweepstakes points to be properly credited to the correct breeder. Your cooperation is appreciated.
11. Please feel free to keep this instruction sheet for future reference. We hope it makes your job easier. All reports are to be returned within 30 days following the show. Your promptness will be appreciated. Late show sanctions maybe honored at the OSNDRC's discretion for an additional $5.00.
Sanction Form: Click Here